About Us
A lifelong obsession with music, a love of the expression afforded by tattoo culture and a determination not to look the same as everyone else….
In 2020, after the physical and mental frustration we all felt during lockdown, I took up the first sport to reopen, golf.
Following an off the cuff remark to my wife “I might have to actually make my own shirts” …… the idea was born.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the bland apparel I was supposed to wear on the golf course; apparently band t-shirts weren’t the thing.
We landed on a concept that I’m really proud of and enjoying wearing. Not exclusively golf in the end. More tattoo inspired, music inspired, golf inspired; authentic and individual clothing.

Our Purpose
We certainly wanted to be as sustainable as we could and have sought out the suppliers who are equally thoughtful and considered about sustainability and their supply chain.
Both music and golf in their different ways are good for the soul and beneficial to mental health, and this is the space we want to focus on as we grow, with our aim being to support projects with a focus on youth and mental health.

What about you?
Enough about us ….. we want to get to know you too ….. sign up here to join our Clubhouse mailing list